Email API

Right now we have not yet released any API wrappers, but we plan to do so in the near future. Send an email to if you would like to be notified when a particular programming language's API wrapper is released. In the meanwhile, you can use these recommended HTTP request libraries in your application, or simply use curl as in the below examples.

Language Library
Ruby Faraday
Python requests
Java OkHttp
PHP guzzle
JavaScript superagent (we are maintainers)
Node.js superagent (we are maintainers)
Go net/http
.NET RestSharp

The current HTTP base URI path is:

All endpoints require your API key to be set as the "username" value of the request's Basic Authorization header. Don't worry – examples are provided below for you if you're not sure what this is.

If any errors occur, the response body of the API request will contain a detailed error message.

Code Name
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Time-out
Tip: If you receive a 5xx status code (which should not happen), then please contact us at and we will help you to resolve your issue immediately.

Our service is translated to over 25 different languages. All API response messages are translated to the last locale detected of the user making the API request. You can override this by passing a custom Accept-Language header. Feel free to try it out using the language drop-down at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to be notified when pagination is available, then please email

Retrieve logs

Our API programmatically allows you to download logs for your account. Submitting a request to this endpoint will process all logs for your account and email them to you as an attachment (Gzip compressed CSV spreadsheet file) once complete.

This allows you to create background jobs with a Cron job or using our Node.js job scheduling software Bree to receive logs whenever you desire. Note that this endpoint is limited to 10 requests per day.

The attachment is the lowercase form of email-deliverability-logs-YYYY-MM-DD-h-mm-A-z.csv.gz and the email itself contains a brief summary of the logs retrieved. You can also download logs at any time from My Account → Logs

GET /v1/logs/download

Querystring Parameter Required Type Description
domain No String (FQDN) Filter logs by fully qualified domain ("FQDN"). If you do not provide this then all logs across all domains will be retrieved.
q No String Search for logs by email, domain, alias name, IP address, or date (M/Y, M/D/YY, M-D, M-D-YY, or M.D.YY format).

Example Request:

curl \

Example Cron job (at midnight every day):

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/curl -u API_TOKEN: &>/dev/null

Note that you can use services such as to validate your cron job expression syntax.

Example Cron job (at midnight every day and with logs for previous day):

For MacOS:

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/curl`date -v-1d -u "+%-m/%-d/%y"` -u API_TOKEN: &>/dev/null

For Linux and Ubuntu:

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/curl`date --date "-1 days" -u "+%-m/%-d/%y"` -u API_TOKEN: &>/dev/null

Create account

POST /v1/account

Body Parameter Required Type Description
email Yes String (Email) Email address
password Yes String Password

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d ""

Retrieve account

GET /v1/account

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Update account

PUT /v1/account

Body Parameter Required Type Description
email No String (Email) Email address
given_name No String First name
family_name No String Last name
avatar_url No String (URL) Link to avatar image

Example Request:

curl -X PUT \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d ""

Please ensure that you have followed setup instructions for your domain. These instructions can be found at My Account → Domains → Settings → Outbound SMTP Configuration. You need to ensure setup of DKIM, Return-Path, and DMARC for sending outbound SMTP with your domain.

Get email limit

This is a simple endpoint that returns a JSON object containing the count and limit for the number of daily SMTP outbound messages on a per account basis.

GET /v1/emails/limit

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

List emails

Note that this endpoint does not return an already created email's message, headers, accepted, nor rejectedErrors properties.

To return those properties and their values, please use the Retrieve email endpoint with an email ID.

This endpoint will return at most 50 results at a time. If you want to query for multiple pages, then append ?page=NUMBER where NUMBER is an integer, e.g. ?page=1.

GET /v1/emails

Querystring Parameter Required Type Description
q No String (RegExp supported) Search for emails by metadata
domain No String (RegExp supported) Search for emails by domain name
page No Number Page to return of results (default is 1)
`limit No Number Number of results per page to return (default is 50 – the max is 50 and minimum is 10)

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Create email

Our API for creating an email is inspired by and leverages Nodemailer's message option configuration. Please defer to the Nodemailer message configuration for all body parameters below.

Note that with the exception of envelope and dkim (since we set those automatically for you), we support all Nodemailer options. We automatically set disableFileAccess and disableUrlAccess options to true for security purposes.

You should either pass the single option of raw with your raw full email including headers or pass individual body parameter options below.

POST /v1/emails

Body Parameter Required Type Description
from No String (Email) The email address of the sender (must exist as an alias of the domain).
to No String or Array Comma separated list or an Array of recipients for the "To" header.
cc No String or Array Comma separated list or an Array of recipients for the "Cc" header.
bcc No String or Array Comma separated list or an Array of recipients for the "Bcc" header.
subject No String The subject of the email.
text No String or Buffer The plaintext version of the message.
html No String or Buffer The HTML version of the message.
attachments No Array An array of attachment objects (see Nodemailer's common fields).
sender No String The email address for the "Sender" header (see Nodemailer's more advanced fields).
replyTo No String The email address for the "Reply-To" header.
inReplyTo No String The Message-ID the message is in reply to.
references No String or Array Space separated list or an Array of Message-ID's.
attachDataUrls No Boolean If true then converts data: images in the HTML content of the message to embedded attachments.
watchHtml No String An Apple Watch specific HTML version of the message (according to the Nodemailer docs, the latest watches do not require this to be set).
amp No String An AMP4EMAIL specific HTML version of the message (see Nodemailer's example).
icalEvent No Object An iCalendar event to use as an alternative message content (see Nodemailer's calendar events).
alternatives No Array An Array of alternative message content (see Nodemailer's alternative content).
encoding No String Encoding for the text and HTML strings (defaults to "utf-8", but supports "hex" and "base64" encoding values as well).
raw No String or Buffer A custom generated RFC822 formatted message to use (instead of one that is generated by Nodemailer – see Nodemailer's custom source).
textEncoding No String Encoding that is forced to be used for text values (either "quoted-printable" or "base64"). The default value is the closest value detected (for ASCII use "quoted-printable").
priority No String Priority level for the email (can either be "high", "normal" (default), or "low"). Note that a value of "normal" does not set a priority header (this is the default behavior). If a value of "high" or "low" is set, then the X-Priority, X-MSMail-Priority, and Importance headers will be set accordingly.
headers No Object or Array An Object or an Array of additional header fields to set (see Nodemailer's custom headers).
messageId No String An optional Message-ID value for the "Message-ID" header (a default value will be automatically created if not set – note that the value should adhere to the RFC2822 specification).
date No String or Date An optional Date value that will be used if the Date header is missing after parsing, otherwise the current UTC string will be used if not set. The date header cannot be more than 30 days in advance of the current time.
list No Object An optional Object of List-* headers (see Nodemailer's list headers).

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d "" \
  -d "" \
  -d "subject=test" \
  -d "text=test"

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d "raw=`cat file.eml`"

Retrieve email

GET /v1/emails/:id

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Delete email

Email deletion will set the status to "rejected" (and subsequently not process it in the queue) if and only if the current status is one of "pending", "queued", or "deferred". We may purge emails automatically after 30 days after they were created and/or sent – therefore you should keep a copy of outbound SMTP emails in your client, database, or application. You can reference our email ID value in your database if desired – this value is returned from both Create email and Retrieve email endpoints.

DELETE /v1/emails/:id

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE \

Tip: Domain endpoints with a domain's name /v1/domains/:domain_name as their path are interchangeable with a domain's ID :domain_id. This means you can refer to the domain by either its name or id value.

List domains

GET /v1/domains

Querystring Parameter Required Type Description
q No String (RegExp supported) Search for domains by name
name No String (RegExp supported) Search for domains by name

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Create domain

POST /v1/domains

Body Parameter Required Type Description
domain Yes String (FQDN or IP) Fully qualified domain name ("FQDN") or IP address
plan No String (enumerable) Plan type (must be "free", "enhanced_protection", or "team", defaults to "free" or the user's current paid plan if on one)
catchall No String (delimited email addresses) or Boolean Create a default catch-all alias, defaults to true (if true it will use the API user's email address as a recipient, and if false no catch-all will be created). If a String is passed, then it is a delimited list of email addresses to use as recipients (separated by line break, space, and/or comma)
has_adult_content_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner adult content protection on this domain
has_phishing_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner phishing protection on this domain
has_executable_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner executable protection on this domain
has_virus_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner virus protection on this domain
has_recipient_verification No Boolean Global domain default for whether to require alias recipients to click an email verification link for emails to flow through
ignore_mx_check No Boolean Whether to ignore the MX record check on the domain for verification. This is mainly for users that have advanced MX exchange configuration rules and need to keep their existing MX exchange and forward to ours.
retention_days No Number Integer between 0 and 30 that corresponds to the number of retention days to store outbound SMTP emails once successfully delivered or permanently errored. Defaults to 0, which means that outbound SMTP emails are purged and redacted immediately for your security.

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d \
  -d plan=free

Retrieve domain

GET /v1/domains/

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Verify domain records

GET /v1/domains/

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Update domain

PUT /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
smtp_port No String or Number Custom port to configure for SMTP forwarding (default is "25")
has_adult_content_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner adult content protection on this domain
has_phishing_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner phishing protection on this domain
has_executable_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner executable protection on this domain
has_virus_protection No Boolean Whether to enable Spam Scanner virus protection on this domain
has_recipient_verification No Boolean Global domain default for whether to require alias recipients to click an email verification link for emails to flow through
ignore_mx_check No Boolean Whether to ignore the MX record check on the domain for verification. This is mainly for users that have advanced MX exchange configuration rules and need to keep their existing MX exchange and forward to ours.
retention_days No Number Integer between 0 and 30 that corresponds to the number of retention days to store outbound SMTP emails once successfully delivered or permanently errored. Defaults to 0, which means that outbound SMTP emails are purged and redacted immediately for your security.

Example Request:

curl -X PUT \

Delete domain

DELETE /v1/domains/:domain_name

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE \

Accept domain invite

GET /v1/domains/:domain_name/invites

Example Request:

curl \

Create domain invite

POST /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
email Yes String (Email) Email address to invite to domain members list
group Yes String (enumerable) Group to add the user to the domain membership with (can be one of "admin" or "user")

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -u API_TOKEN: \
  -d "" \
  -d group=admin

Remove domain invite

DELETE /v1/domains/:domain_name/invites

Body Parameter Required Type Description
email Yes String (Email) Email address to remove from domain members list

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE \

Update domain member

PUT /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
group Yes String (enumerable) Group to update the user to the domain membership with (can be one of "admin" or "user")

Example Request:

curl -X PUT \

Remove domain member

DELETE /v1/domains/:domain_name/members/:member_id

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE \

Generate an alias password

Note that if you do not email instructions, then the username and password will be in the JSON response body of a successful request in the format { username: '', password: 'some-generated-password' }.

POST /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
new_password No String Your custom new password to use for the alias. Note that you can leave this blank or missing altogether from your API request body if you wish to get a randomly generated and strong password.
password No String Existing password for alias to change the password without deleting the existing IMAP mailbox storage (see is_override option below if you no longer have the existing password).
is_override No Boolean USE WITH CAUTION: This will override the existing alias password and database completely, and will permanently delete the existing IMAP storage and reset the alias' SQLite email database completely. Please make a backup if possible if you have an existing mailbox attached to this alias.
emailed_instructions No String Email address to send the alias' password and setup instructions to.

Example Request:

curl -X POST \

List domain aliases

GET /v1/domains/

Querystring Parameter Required Type Description
q No String (RegExp supported) Search for aliases in a domain by name, label, or recipient
name No String (RegExp supported) Search for aliases in a domain by name
recipient No String (RegExp supported) Search for aliases in a domain by recipient

Example Request:

curl \

Example Response:

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid API token."

Create new domain alias

POST /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
name No String Alias name (if not provided or if blank, then a random alias is generated)
recipients No String or Array List of recipients (must be line-break/space/comma separated String or Array of valid email addresses, fully-qualified domain names ("FQDN"), IP addresses, and/or webhook URL's – and if not provided or is an empty Array, then the user's email making the API request will be set as the recipient)
description No String Alias description
labels No String or Array List of labels (must be line-break/space/comma separated String or Array)
has_recipient_verification No Boolean Require recipients to click an email verification link for emails to flow through (defaults to the domain's setting if not explicitly set in the request body)
is_enabled No Boolean Whether to enable or disable this alias (if disabled, emails will be routed nowhere but return successful status codes). If a value is passed, it is converted to a boolean using boolean)
error_code_if_disabled No Number (either 250, 421, or 550) Incoming email to this alias will reject if is_enabled is false with either 250 (quietly deliver nowhere, e.g. blackhole or /dev/null), 421 (soft reject; and retry for up to ~5 days) or 550 permanent failure and rejection. Defaults to 250.
has_imap No Boolean Whether to enable or disable IMAP storage for this alias (if disabled, then inbound emails received will not get stored to IMAP storage. If a value is passed, it is converted to a boolean using boolean)
has_pgp No Boolean Whether to enable or disable OpenPGP encryption for IMAP/POP3 encrypted email storage using the alias' public_key.
public_key No String OpenPGP public key in ASCII Armor format (click here to view an example; e.g. GPG key for This only applies if you have has_pgp set to true. Learn more about end-to-end encryption in our FAQ.

Example Request:

curl -X POST \

Retrieve domain alias

You can retrieve a domain alias by either its id or its name value.

GET /v1/domains/:domain_name/aliases/:alias_id

Example Request:

curl \

GET /v1/domains/:domain_name/aliases/:alias_name

Example Request:

curl \

Update domain alias

PUT /v1/domains/

Body Parameter Required Type Description
name No String Alias name
recipients No String or Array List of recipients (must be line-break/space/comma separated String or Array of valid email addresses, fully-qualified domain names ("FQDN"), IP addresses, and/or webhook URL's)
description No String Alias description
labels No String or Array List of labels (must be line-break/space/comma separated String or Array)
has_recipient_verification No Boolean Require recipients to click an email verification link for emails to flow through (defaults to the domain's setting if not explicitly set in the request body)
is_enabled No Boolean Whether to enable or disable this alias (if disabled, emails will be routed nowhere but return successful status codes)
error_code_if_disabled No Number (either 250, 421, or 550) Incoming email to this alias will reject if is_enabled is false with either 250 (quietly deliver nowhere, e.g. blackhole or /dev/null), 421 (soft reject; and retry for up to ~5 days) or 550 permanent failure and rejection. Defaults to 250.
has_imap No Boolean Whether to enable or disable IMAP storage for this alias (if disabled, then inbound emails received will not get stored to IMAP storage. If a value is passed, it is converted to a boolean using boolean)
has_pgp No Boolean Whether to enable or disable OpenPGP encryption for IMAP/POP3 encrypted email storage using the alias' public_key.
public_key No String OpenPGP public key in ASCII Armor format (click here to view an example; e.g. GPG key for This only applies if you have has_pgp set to true. Learn more about end-to-end encryption in our FAQ.

Example Request:

curl -X PUT \

Delete domain alias

DELETE /v1/domains/:domain_name/aliases/:alias_id

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE \

We allow you to encrypt records even on the free plan at no cost. Privacy should not be a feature, it should be inherently built-in to all aspects of a product. As highly requested in a Privacy Guides discussion and on our GitHub issues we've added this.

Encrypt TXT Record

POST /v1/encrypt

Body Parameter Required Type Description
input Yes String Any valid Forward Email plaintext TXT record

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  -d ""