Direcciones de correo electrónico reservadas

Lista centrada en la seguridad

Compilamos una lista de más de 1250 direcciones de correo electrónico que los administradores deben reservar por cuestiones de seguridad.

¿Sabías? En nuestros planes pagos, las organizaciones pueden tener miembros que pertenezcan a un grupo "administrador" o "usuario", y el grupo "usuario" no puede agregar alias que sean iguales a una de las direcciones de correo electrónico reservadas a continuación. También restringimos que el grupo "usuario" tenga una dirección de correo electrónico que comience, termine o sea igual a "admin", "administrador", "webmaster", "hostmaster", "postmaster" y "ssl".
  1. 0
  2. 100
  3. 101
  4. 102
  5. 1xx
  6. 200
  7. 201
  8. 202
  9. 203
  10. 204
  11. 205
  12. 206
  13. 207
  14. 226
  15. 24x7
  16. 24x7help
  17. 2xx
  18. 300
  19. 301
  20. 302
  21. 303
  22. 304
  23. 305
  24. 307
  25. 308
  26. 3xx
  27. 400
  28. 401
  29. 402
  30. 403
  31. 404
  32. 405
  33. 406
  34. 407
  35. 408
  36. 409
  37. 410
  38. 411
  39. 412
  40. 413
  41. 414
  42. 415
  43. 416
  44. 417
  45. 418
  46. 422
  47. 423
  48. 424
  49. 426
  50. 428
  51. 429
  52. 431
  53. 451
  54. 4xx
  55. 500
  56. 501
  57. 502
  58. 503
  59. 504
  60. 505
  61. 506
  62. 507
  63. 511
  64. 5xx
  65. 7xx
  66. about
  67. abuse
  68. ac
  69. access
  70. account
  71. accounting
  72. accounts
  73. activate
  74. activities
  75. activity
  76. ad
  77. add
  78. added
  79. address
  80. adm
  81. admin
  82. admini
  83. administracion
  84. administration
  85. administrator
  86. admissions
  87. adobeemea
  88. ads
  89. adult
  90. advertise
  91. advertising
  92. advisor
  93. ae
  94. af
  95. affiliate
  96. affiliates
  97. ag
  98. ai
  99. ajax
  100. al
  101. album
  102. albums
  103. alert
  104. alerts
  105. all
  106. alpha
  107. am
  108. an
  109. analysis
  110. analytics
  111. android
  112. announcement
  113. announcements
  114. anon
  115. anonymous
  116. answers
  117. anti-spam
  118. antispam
  119. ao
  120. api
  121. app
  122. apple
  123. apps
  124. aq
  125. ar
  126. arabic
  127. archive
  128. archived
  129. archives
  130. as
  131. asdf
  132. asset
  133. at
  134. atom
  135. au
  136. auth
  137. authentication
  138. auto
  139. autoconfig
  140. automailer
  141. automatic
  142. autoresponder
  143. available
  144. avatar
  145. aw
  146. awadhi
  147. ax
  148. az
  149. azerbaijani
  150. ba
  151. backup
  152. backups
  153. bank
  154. banner
  155. banners
  156. bb
  157. bd
  158. be
  159. beintouch
  160. bengali
  161. beta
  162. bf
  163. bg
  164. bh
  165. bhojpuri
  166. bi
  167. billing
  168. bin
  169. bj
  170. blob
  171. blobs
  172. blog
  173. blogs
  174. bm
  175. bn
  176. bo
  177. board
  178. boletins
  179. bookmark
  180. bookmarked
  182. bot
  183. bots
  184. bottom
  185. bounce
  186. bounce-notification
  187. bounce-notifications
  188. bounces
  189. br
  190. broadcasthost
  191. browse
  192. bs
  193. bt
  194. bug
  195. bugs
  196. build
  197. builds
  198. built
  199. bulletin
  200. bulletins
  201. burmese
  202. bursar
  203. busdev
  204. business
  205. bv
  206. bw
  207. by
  208. bz
  209. ca
  210. cache
  211. cadastro
  212. calendar
  213. call
  214. callback
  215. campaign
  216. cancel
  217. captcha
  218. care
  219. career
  220. careers
  221. cart
  222. categories
  223. category
  224. cc
  225. cd
  226. cdn
  227. center
  228. ceo
  229. cf
  230. cfo
  231. cg
  232. cgi
  233. cgi-bin
  234. ch
  235. changelog
  236. chat
  237. check
  238. checking
  239. checkout
  240. checkpoint
  241. chinese
  242. ci
  243. ck
  244. cl
  245. classic
  246. client
  247. cliente
  248. clients
  249. cloud
  250. cm
  251. cmo
  252. cn
  253. cname
  254. co
  255. co-op
  256. code
  257. codereview
  258. comercial
  259. comment
  261. communities
  262. community
  263. company
  264. compare
  265. compete
  266. compliance
  267. compras
  268. concierge
  269. config
  270. configuration
  271. configure
  272. connect
  273. conserje
  274. consultant
  275. contabilidad
  276. contact
  277. contact-us
  278. contact_us
  279. contacto
  280. contacts
  281. contactus
  282. contato
  283. contest
  284. contribute
  285. control
  286. convert
  287. copied
  288. copy
  289. copyright
  290. corp
  291. courier
  292. cr
  293. crash
  294. create
  295. crew
  296. cron
  297. crypt
  298. cs
  299. css
  300. cto
  301. cu
  302. customer
  303. customer-care
  304. customer-service
  305. customer.care
  306. customer.service
  307. customercare
  308. customerservice
  309. cv
  310. cx
  311. cy
  312. cz
  313. daemon
  314. dashboard
  315. data
  316. database
  317. db
  318. dd
  319. de
  320. decliend
  321. decline
  322. declined
  323. default
  324. delete
  325. deleted
  326. delivery
  327. demo
  328. demos
  329. denied
  330. deny
  331. deploy
  332. deployed
  333. deploys
  334. design
  335. designer
  336. destroy
  337. dev
  338. devel
  339. developer
  340. developers
  341. development
  342. devnull
  343. die
  344. digsitesvalue
  345. dir
  346. direct_messages
  347. director
  348. directors
  349. directory
  350. dist
  351. dj
  352. dk
  353. dm
  354. dns
  355. dns-admin
  356. dns-operation
  357. dns.admin
  358. dns.operation
  359. dnsadmin
  360. dnsoperation
  361. do
  362. do-not-reply
  363. do-not-respond
  364. do.not.reply
  365. doc
  366. docker
  367. docs
  368. document
  369. documentation
  370. documents
  371. docusign
  372. docusing
  373. domain
  374. domains
  375. donotreply
  376. donotrespond
  377. dont-reply
  378. dovecot
  379. download
  380. downloaded
  382. dutch
  383. dvd
  384. dz
  385. e-bounce
  386. e-invoice
  387. e-mail
  388. ebounce
  389. ec
  390. ecommerce
  391. edit
  392. edited
  393. editor
  394. editorial
  395. editors
  396. edits
  397. ee
  398. eg
  399. eh
  400. einvoice
  401. email
  402. emails
  403. emailus
  404. employment
  405. empty
  406. end
  407. eng
  408. english
  409. enquire
  410. enquiries
  411. enquiry
  412. enterprise
  413. entries
  414. entry
  415. er
  416. erase
  417. erased
  418. error
  419. errors
  420. es
  421. et
  422. etc
  423. eu
  424. eula
  425. eval
  426. event
  427. events
  428. everyone
  429. example
  430. examples
  431. exec
  432. executive
  433. executives
  434. exim
  435. exit
  436. expert
  437. experts
  438. expire
  439. expired
  440. explore
  441. export
  442. exported
  443. exports
  444. facebook
  445. family-safety
  446. family.safety
  447. familysafety
  448. faq
  449. farmacia
  450. farsi
  451. favorite
  452. favorites
  453. fbi
  454. fbl
  455. feature
  456. features
  457. feed
  458. feedback
  459. feeds
  460. fetch
  461. fi
  462. file
  463. files
  464. finance
  465. find
  466. firewall
  467. first
  468. fj
  469. fk
  470. flag
  471. flagged
  472. flags
  473. fleet
  474. fleets
  475. flog
  476. fm
  477. fo
  478. follow
  480. following
  481. forbidden
  482. forgot
  483. forgot-password
  484. forgot_password
  485. forgotpassword
  486. form
  487. forum
  488. forums
  489. fr
  490. free
  491. french
  492. friend
  493. friends
  494. ftp
  495. ftps
  496. ga
  497. gadget
  498. gadgets
  499. games
  500. gan
  501. gb
  502. gd
  503. ge
  504. general
  505. german
  506. get
  507. getanswer
  508. gf
  509. gg
  510. gh
  511. gi
  512. gif
  513. gifs
  514. gift
  515. gifts
  516. gist
  517. git
  518. github
  519. gl
  520. gm
  521. gn
  522. google
  523. gp
  524. gq
  525. gr
  526. graph
  527. group
  528. groups
  529. groupupdates
  530. gs
  531. gt
  532. gu
  533. guest
  534. guests
  535. guide
  536. guidelines
  537. gujarati
  538. gw
  539. gy
  540. hakka
  541. hash
  542. hausa
  543. head
  544. head.office
  545. headoffice
  546. headteacher
  547. hello
  548. help
  549. help-desk
  550. help.desk
  551. helpdesk
  552. hi
  553. hidden
  554. hide
  555. hindi
  556. history
  557. hk
  558. hm
  559. hn
  560. home
  561. homepage
  562. hooks
  563. host
  564. host-master
  565. host-name
  566. host.master
  567. host.name
  568. hosting
  569. hostmaster
  570. hostname
  571. howdy
  572. howto
  573. hpg
  574. hr
  575. ht
  576. html
  577. http
  578. http2
  579. httpd
  580. https
  581. hu
  582. i
  583. iana
  584. iana-admin
  585. iana-tech
  586. iana.admin
  587. iana.tech
  588. ianaadmin
  589. ianatech
  590. id
  591. idea
  592. ideas
  593. ids
  594. ie
  595. il
  596. im
  597. image
  598. images
  599. imap
  600. img
  601. imgs
  602. import
  603. imported
  604. imports
  605. imulus
  606. in
  607. inbox
  608. index
  609. indice
  610. info
  611. information
  612. informativo
  613. inoc
  614. inquiries
  615. inquiry
  616. inquirys
  617. internal
  618. intranet
  619. intro
  620. investorrelations
  621. invitations
  622. invite
  623. invites
  624. io
  625. ios
  626. ip
  627. ipad
  628. iphone
  629. ipod
  630. iq
  631. ir
  632. irc
  633. is
  634. isatap
  635. ispfeedback
  636. ispsupport
  637. issue
  638. issues
  639. it
  640. italian
  641. item
  642. items
  643. japanese
  644. java
  645. javanese
  646. javascript
  647. je
  648. jinyu
  649. jm
  650. jo
  651. job
  652. jobs
  653. join
  654. jp
  655. js
  656. json
  657. kannada
  658. ke
  659. key
  660. keys
  661. keyserver
  662. kg
  663. kh
  664. ki
  665. km
  666. kn
  667. knowledgebase
  668. korean
  669. kp
  670. kr
  671. kw
  672. ky
  673. kz
  674. la
  675. language
  676. languages
  677. last
  678. lawyer
  679. lawyers
  680. lb
  681. lc
  682. left
  683. legacy
  684. legal
  685. li
  686. lib
  687. license
  688. like
  689. liked
  691. link
  692. linked
  693. links
  694. list
  695. list-request
  696. list-sender
  697. list.request
  698. listgroup
  699. listrequest
  700. lists
  701. listsender
  702. listserv
  703. lk
  704. local
  705. local-domain
  706. local-host
  707. local.domain
  708. local.host
  709. localdomain
  710. localhost
  711. lock
  712. locked
  713. log
  714. log-in
  715. log-out
  716. log_in
  717. log_out
  718. logged
  719. login
  720. logout
  721. logs
  722. logwatch
  723. lot
  724. lpt
  725. lr
  726. ls
  727. lt
  728. lu
  729. lv
  730. ly
  731. m
  732. ma
  733. mac
  734. macos
  735. macosx
  736. magazine
  737. mail
  738. mail-daemon
  739. mail-deamon
  740. mail.daemon
  741. mail1
  742. mail2
  743. mail3
  744. mail4
  745. mail5
  746. mailbox
  747. maildaemon
  748. mailer
  749. mailer-daemon
  750. mailer.daemon
  751. mailerdaemon
  752. mailing
  753. mailus
  754. maintenance
  755. maithili
  756. majordomo
  757. malayalam
  758. manage
  759. manager
  760. managers
  761. mandarin
  762. manual
  763. map
  764. maps
  765. marathi
  766. market
  767. marketing
  768. marketplace
  769. markets
  770. master
  771. mc
  772. md
  773. me
  774. media
  775. media-relations
  776. media.relations
  777. mediarelations
  778. member
  779. members
  780. memory
  781. mentions
  782. message
  783. messages
  784. messenger
  785. mg
  786. mh
  787. microblog
  788. microblogs
  789. migrate
  790. migrator
  791. min-nan
  792. mine
  793. mis
  794. mk
  795. mkt
  796. ml
  797. mm
  798. mn
  799. mo
  800. mob
  801. mobile
  802. mod
  803. moderator
  804. moderators
  805. monit
  806. movie
  807. movies
  808. mp
  809. mp3
  810. mq
  811. mr
  812. ms
  813. msg
  814. msn
  815. mt
  816. mu
  817. music
  818. musicas
  819. mv
  820. mw
  821. mx
  822. my
  823. mysql
  824. mz
  825. na
  826. name
  827. named
  828. names
  829. namespace
  830. namespaces
  831. nan
  832. naoresponda
  833. navi
  834. navigation
  835. nc
  836. ne
  837. net
  838. network
  839. new
  840. new-accounts
  841. new-business
  842. newaccounts
  843. newbusiness
  844. news
  845. news-letter
  846. news.letter
  847. newsbreak
  848. newsletter
  849. next
  850. nf
  851. ng
  852. ni
  853. nickname
  854. nl
  855. no
  856. no-replies
  857. no-reply
  858. no-replys
  859. no.replies
  860. no.reply
  861. no.replys
  862. no_reply
  863. nobody
  864. noc
  865. noemail
  866. noreplies
  867. noreply
  868. noreplys
  869. nospam
  870. notes
  871. nothanks
  872. noticias
  873. notification
  874. notifications
  875. notify
  876. np
  877. nr
  878. ns
  879. ns1
  880. ns10
  881. ns2
  882. ns3
  883. ns4
  884. ns5
  885. ns6
  886. ns7
  887. ns8
  888. ns9
  889. nu
  890. null
  891. nytimes
  892. nz
  893. oauth
  894. oauth_clients
  895. offer
  896. offers
  897. office
  898. officeadmin
  899. official
  900. old
  901. om
  902. online
  903. open
  904. opened
  905. openid
  906. operations
  907. operator
  908. ops
  909. order
  910. orders
  911. organization
  912. organizations
  913. orgs
  914. oriya
  915. os
  916. osx
  917. overview
  918. owner
  919. owners
  920. pa
  921. package
  922. page
  923. pager
  924. pages
  925. panel
  926. panjabi
  927. partners
  928. passwd
  929. password
  930. passwords
  931. patch
  932. pay
  933. payment
  934. payments
  935. pdf
  936. pdfs
  937. pe
  938. pec
  939. perl
  940. personal
  941. pf
  942. pg
  943. pgp
  944. ph
  945. pharmacy
  946. phish
  947. phishing
  948. photo
  949. photoalbum
  950. photos
  951. php
  952. pic
  953. pics
  954. ping
  955. pk
  956. pl
  957. plan
  958. plans
  959. play
  960. plugin
  961. plugins
  962. pm
  963. pn
  964. policies
  965. policy
  966. polish
  967. pop
  968. pop3
  969. popular
  970. portal
  971. portuguese
  972. post
  973. post-master
  974. post.master
  975. postbox
  976. postfix
  977. postmaster
  978. posts
  979. pr
  980. premium
  981. prepress
  982. present
  983. president
  984. press
  985. price
  986. pricing
  987. prime
  988. principal
  989. printer
  990. privacy
  991. privacy-policy
  992. privacy_policy
  993. privacypolicy
  994. private
  995. proc
  996. prod
  997. product
  998. production
  999. products
  1000. profile
  1001. profiles
  1002. project
  1003. projects
  1004. promo
  1005. ps
  1006. pt
  1007. pub
  1008. public
  1009. purchasing
  1010. push
  1011. put
  1012. pw
  1013. py
  1014. python
  1015. qa
  1016. qna
  1017. query
  1018. questions
  1019. queue
  1020. quick
  1021. quickanswer
  1022. quickreply
  1023. quota
  1024. qwer
  1025. qwert
  1026. qwerty
  1027. random
  1028. ranking
  1029. re
  1030. read
  1031. readme
  1032. recent
  1033. reception
  1034. recover
  1035. recovery
  1036. recruit
  1037. recruiting
  1038. recruitment
  1039. refund
  1040. refunds
  1041. refuse
  1042. refused
  1043. register
  1044. registrar
  1045. registration
  1046. release
  1047. releases
  1048. remember
  1049. remote
  1050. remove
  1051. removed
  1052. replies
  1053. reply
  1054. report
  1055. reported
  1056. reports
  1057. repositories
  1058. repository
  1059. req
  1060. request
  1061. requests
  1062. res
  1063. reservations
  1064. reset
  1065. reset-password
  1066. reset_password
  1067. resetpassword
  1068. resource
  1069. resources
  1070. restore
  1071. restored
  1072. result
  1073. results
  1074. return
  1075. returns
  1076. revert
  1077. review
  1078. reviewed
  1079. reviews
  1080. right
  1081. ro
  1082. robot
  1083. robots
  1084. romanian
  1085. root
  1086. rs
  1087. rss
  1088. ru
  1089. ruby
  1090. rule
  1091. rules
  1092. russian
  1093. rw
  1094. sa
  1095. sale
  1096. sales
  1097. salesorder
  1098. sample
  1099. samples
  1100. satisfaction
  1101. save
  1102. saved
  1103. sb
  1104. sc
  1105. scan
  1106. scanning
  1107. school
  1108. schooloffice
  1109. script
  1110. scripts
  1111. sd
  1112. se
  1113. search
  1114. searched
  1115. secret
  1116. secretary
  1117. secrets
  1118. secure
  1119. security
  1120. self
  1121. send
  1122. sendmail
  1123. sent
  1124. serbo-croatian
  1125. serve
  1126. server
  1127. server-info
  1128. server-status
  1129. servers
  1130. service
  1131. services
  1132. session
  1133. sessions
  1134. setting
  1135. settings
  1136. setup
  1137. sftp
  1138. sg
  1139. sh
  1140. share
  1141. shared
  1143. sharing
  1144. shop
  1145. shopping
  1146. show
  1147. si
  1148. sign-in
  1149. sign-up
  1150. sign_in
  1151. sign_up
  1152. signin
  1153. signout
  1154. signup
  1155. sindhi
  1156. site
  1157. sitemap
  1158. sites
  1159. sj
  1160. sk
  1161. sl
  1162. sm
  1163. smb
  1164. smtp
  1165. sn
  1166. so
  1167. solution
  1168. solutions
  1169. sony
  1170. soporte
  1171. source
  1172. sources
  1173. spam
  1174. spanish
  1175. spec
  1176. special
  1177. specs
  1178. sql
  1179. sr
  1180. src
  1181. ss
  1182. ssh
  1183. ssl
  1184. ssl-admin
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